Family Violence Policy

Family Violence Policy

Applies to: all TWG team


To support our team members impacted by family violence so they can take necessary time away from work to attend court, meet with Women's Refuge, or relocate, without financial consequences

We acknowledge that family violence is a big concern in New Zealand. Some team members may fall to this, through no fault on their own, and it may impact their work attendance or performance.

To help support you during this time we can allocate up to 10 days paid leave in any calendar year to be used for appointments, legal proceedings and other activities related to family violence.

If you are a person that uses violence in your family and you would like to learn about other ways of coping, asking for HELP is always OK. We can put you in touch with agencies that can help. The Warehouse Group may also be able to provide you with unpaid time off to go to these appointments.

Process Overview

To support you to be safe from violence at work, The Warehouse Group will approve any of these reasonable request from a team member who is experiencing family violence.

Changes to your work pattern of working hours, location of work or duties.
Change to your work telephone number or e-mail address.
Any other appropriate measure, including those already available for flexible work arrangements.

We use the definition of 'family violence' found in the Domestic Violence Act 1995, which refers to domestic violence against that person by any other person with whom that person is, or has been, in a domestic relationship (including children).
The 'relationship' includes if the person is a spouse or partner of the other person, is a family member of the other person, ordinarily shares a household with the other person, or has a close personal relationship with the other person.
For the purpose of this policy, 'abuse' includes physical, sexual, economic and psychological abuse.

Proof of family violence may be requested and can be in the agreed form of a document from the Police, Government Departments, a health professional of a family violence support service.


Who can I talk to?
You can email (there is only two people in the organisation that have access to this e-mail and are equipped to help you get the right support).

You can contact our ASK People Support department for any questions relating to the policy.

If you are uncomfortable talking to anyone you work with you are able to contact Kristen Weitz, Head of People Experience on 021 483 594. We assure confidentially through this channel so you only need to talk to one person who has the skills to help you.

You have free access to our Organisational Counselling Programme (OCP) for more support on 0800 377 990

You can contact Women's Refuge on 0800 REFUGE

Or you can go to (National Network of Stopping Violence Services) for more information

How do I apply for this?
You need to send an email applying for this type of leave through to the Employment Relations division of The Warehouse Group with the supporting documentation. You can email this to 
Your Manager will also need to be aware that you will be taking some time off, but does not need to know the reason unless you choose to tell them.

Will this time off come off my Annual Leave?
No, this leave is on top of the leave you are already entitled to, and may be taken as consecutive or single days, or as a fraction of a day.

How much leave can I get?
You can get up to 10 days of paid leave in any calendar year and be used for medical appointments, legal proceedings and other activities related to domestic violence.

Can I get leave if I am supporting person who is victim of domestic violence?
No, but you can take unpaid domestic leave to go with them to court, to hospital, or to mind children.

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